Download documents and literature by clicking on the links below:-

1. Datasheet
Neptune 20M Personnel Access System
2. Poster
Application of Space-Stabilisation Technology to Offshore Wind Operations and Maintenance
3. Paper
Application of Space-Stabilisation Technology to Offshore Wind Operations and Maintenance
4. Presentation
Ship-Mounted Robotic Arm for Autonomous Operations (All-Energy 2019)
5. Presentation
Autonomous Operations Offshore (Seawork 2019)
6. Workshop Agenda
Ship-based Robotics – An Enabling Technology For Manned and Autonomous Vessels
7. Presentation
Autonomous Vessels and Robotics
8. Presentation
Overview of Ship-Based Robotics R&D Programme
9. Presentation
Test Facilities for Ship-Based Robotics
10. Presentation
Robotic Arm Design
11. Presentation
Control System Design
12. Presentation
Control System Design – Sensors
13. Presentation
Naval Architecture Studies
14. Presentation
Market Research
15. Presentation
Autonomous Systems
16. Presentation
Autonomous Marine Applications
17. 3D CAD Model
STL ASSP Robotic Arm with Remote Sensing System at COAST Lab, Plymouth
18. Presentation: A Motion Compensated Robotic Arm for Use on Manual or Autonomous Vessels